(Benjamin, Rev. Benjamin)
016 WILLIAM DOGGETT, son of Benjamin and
Betty Doggett; d. 13 Mar 1750/1, Northumberland Co., VA. Wife's
name unknown.
Children (Doggett):
161 Sarah b. 1722
162 Ann b. 1725 m. Mr. Whelen
163 Benjamin
164 Hannah m. Mr. Coles
165 John b. 1734
161 SARAH DOGGETT; b. 20 Jan
1722, Northumberland Co., VA
162 ANN DOGGETT; b. 21 Mar 1725, Northumberland
Co., VA.
165 JOHN DOGGETT; b. 21 Aug 1734, Northumberland
Co., VA.
This information is somewhat speculative. It is based on two
sources. First, the nuncupative will of William, recorded in
Northumberland County, Virginia, records, and second,
Northumberland County Record of Births.
The Record of Births (transcribed in Fleet, Virginia Colonial
Abstracts, v. 3) lists births of Sarah, Ann and John Doged. The
will of William (surname spelled "Doged" in the
records) refers to his daughters Ann Whelen and Hannah Coles and
his son Benjamin Doged, and also refers to "all the rest of
my children." The dates, geographical location, and spelling
of the surname makes it probable that the same person is referred
to in both documents, and that William is the son of Benjamin
(2). Absolute proof has not been found, however.
Updated 4/6/01